Why do we need Earth Day?

Why do we need Earth Day?

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t heard of Earth Day until a few years ago and I thought oh here we go, another invented day added to the calendar along with “National Lost Sock Day” and “National Ginger Cat Appreciation Day” which just become white noise on social media. Well actually, I was wrong because Earth Day was created in 1970 when the modern environmental movement was founded.

I don’t know what’s more worrying….that it took the human race that long to create a day to focus on and celebrate our planet or that it’s been 50 years since it was created and we’re still having the same type of conversations.

Like many of these days in the calendar, there is the potential for Earth Day to be lost amongst the crowd and people probably feel we talk about the environment every day anyway so why do we need it?

Well we need it so we keep the conversation going as it’s easy for everyone to become fatigued with the climate discussion. It’s a day to remind us all of why we’re in this fight to stop climate change and to drive a united voice with a strong presence in the media.

As Sass & Wild, we treat every day as Earth Day by ensuring our products are as low impact on the environment as possible so that’s why you’ll see us supporting it and encouraging others to do the same. It’s not difficult to source sustainable packaging or cut your carbon footprint – we know this because we’ve just set up business with this all in mind. Our mission is to give our customers the opportunity to still have the type of products they love but with the knowledge they are sustainably made, have a low carbon footprint, are vegan friendly but also have amazing results!

For other ways to support Earth Day, take a look the below link


Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG